ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH TRAINING INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIA, as the non-Governmental organization (NGOs) has the highest authority which is the AGM managed by chairperson who is responsible for day to day ensuring of participatory and democratic administrative activities. Followed with the Executive Committee (EC) and their roles and responsibilities is to ensure a good representative is met among all private health colleges in Tanzania, quality standards and integrity of academic among private health colleges, future investment, planning and to maintain the culture of the institutions. The EC under guidance of the chairperson is advised by the AGM which is composed of experts from different discipline in the field of health training all over the country and other competent professionals and political experts. The Executive Committee of the APHTIT shall be elected every three years term during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The EC of the ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH TRAINING INSTITUTIONS IN
TANZANIA on behalf of the AGM is accountable direct to the Chairperson of the association. The EC must uphold the characteristic spirit of the APHTIT as per policy developed and constitution as may be concerned and shall be accountable to the AGM to ensure all management protocol are well. The General Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association including guidance and direction of the technical teams of all
private health colleges and APHTIT secretariat he/she is accountable to the Chairperson of the Association of the private health colleges in Tanzania.
Preparation of the APHTIT strategic plan and annual performance plan is one of the responsibilities of the APHTIT secretariat and to ensure that it is regularly reviewed and updated. The APHTIT constitution and other regulation shall be reviewed regularly according to the need and will not be the static document. It evolves in the light of the changing and developing needs of the association. One of the first tasks of any newly appointed administrative
staffs will therefore be to give careful consideration to the strategic Plan. The APHTIT strategic Plan serves as a basis for the purposes of regular evaluating and reporting on the progress and development.